The P+R's will charge you 2 euro for parking only during weekdays on P+R Slinge, P+R Kralingse Zoom and P+R Alexander, under condition of travel to the city centre with public transport.
All other P+R's are free of charge except the P+R's in Schiedam (P+R Parallelweg and Schieveste).

P+R Rotterdam
• P+R Alexander - Prins Alexanderlaan 35, 3068 PN Rotterdam• P+R Capelsebrug - Abram v Rijckevorselpln 40 - 3065 SM R'dam
• P+R Kralingse Zoom - Kralingse Zoom 50, 3062 SM Rotterdam
• P+R Noorderhelling - Stadionweg (Feijenoord Station), R'dam
• P+R Slinge - Slinge 763, 3086 EZ Rotterdam
• P+R Hoogvliet - Langs de Baan 94, 3191 TP Hoogvliet
• P+R Schieveste - Horvathweg 3 3112 HB Schiedam
• P+R Parallelweg - Parallelweg 2 3112 NA Schiedam.