europe Genoa is a historical port city in northern Italy, the capital of the Region of Liguria. Parking in Genoa is very difficult. The centro storico is a ZTL zone. Visitors can park in the adjacent area on parking bays along blue lines.

ZTL ZONE (Zona Traffico Limitato) GENOA

ïta The inner city is a Zona Traffico Limitato where driving through and parking is prohibited for vehicles of non-residents. The LTZ is active permanently and controlled by video cameras. Visitors are advised to park in the city's public car parks outside the ZTL. MAP ZTL GENOA.

GENOA : ON-STREET PARKING (Area around ZTL zone)

Operational hours
Charge and stay
Monday to Saturday
08:00 - 20:00
centre: € 2,50/hour
rest centre: € 1,50-2,00/hr
(unlimited parking)
Sunday/Public Holidays
Free parking


Unlimited parking is set to the public car parks in the city centre around the ZTL-zone. Parking rates : € 1.50-3.00/hour.
More information
