Amsterdam is the cultural and creative centre and also the capital of the Netherlands. Parking in Amsterdam is a big problem. On-street parking places are hardly to find in the inner city. If so, parking is very expensive, on-street as well in the car parks. Cheap parking is possible at the P+R's on the edge of the city.

City Centre
Operational hours
Charge and stay
Monday to Saturday
09:00 - 04:00
€ 6,00-7,50/hour
(unlimited parking)
Sunday and public holidays
12:00 - 04:00
as above
For payment you have to fill in your licence plate number of your car in the parking machine and pay the charge with your credit card.
In the first adjacent area paid parking is set on Monday-Saturday from 09:00-24:00. Parking is FREE on Sunday. Parking rate : € 3.50 - 4.50, pending on area.
Unlimited parking is set to car parks in the city centre. Parking rates from
€ 4.30 - 8.00 per hour, daily maximums € 47.50 - 87.50
More information
Cheap parking is only possible in one of the P+R's on the outskirts of the city.
P+R Arena Stadium - Burg. Stramanweg 130 - 1101 EP Amsterdam
P+R Bos en Lommer - Leeuwendalersweg 23b - 1055 JE Amsterdam
P+R VU-Medical Centre - Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004 - 1081 LA
P+R Olympic Stadium - Olympic Stadion 44 - 1076 DE Amsterdam
P+R Sloterdijk - Piarcoplein 1 - 1043 DW Amsterdam
P+R Zeeburg - Zuiderzeeweg 46 -1095 KJ Amsterdam
The parking rate is pending on the arrival time :

entering before 10 am : € 8,00 for the first 24 hours

entering after 10 am : not more than € 1.00 for the first 24 hours.

each additional 24 hours wil cost € 1,00.
Please check always your situation at the information desk of the P+R. An information map for foreigners is available.