Car Parking in Ostrava? We give you some free advice about parking rates, car parks and p+r locations around the city.
Parking in Ostrava
Ostrava is a city located in the northeastern part of the Czech Republic, near the border with Poland. It is the third-largest city in the country, with a population of around 300,000 people.
There are several parking options available in Ostrava. We give you advice
It's important to pay attention to parking regulations and signs in ostrava to avoid getting a ticket or having your car towed.
Parking Rates Ostrava
In ostrava can park anywhere, but not in the marked zones . In some areas you can park only 1 hour and you will need to have the blue “parking clock” inside the car (this can be bought in post offices or stationery shops).
The highest rates are typically in the most central areas, such as Masaryk Square, Stodolní Street, and their immediate surroundings. In these areas, the hourly rate is usually CZK 40 per hour.
The rates may be lower in other parts of the city center, such as the Vitkovice district or the Lower Vítkovice area. In these areas, the hourly rate may be CZK 20 or CZK 30 per hour.

Charge and stay
Ostrava City
20 - 40 Kč/hr (€ 0,80 - € 1,60)
Park and Ride Ostrava (P+R)
There are several Park and Ride (P+R) options available in Ostrava.
Ostrava has an extensive public transportation network, which includes trams, buses, and trains. Ostrava is a major transportation hub in the Czech Republic, and there are several train stations in the city. The most important train station is Ostrava Hlavní Nádraží (Ostrava Main Station), which is located in the city center.
Car parks in Ostrava
There are several car parks available in Ostrava.
How closer to the city center how higher the parking rates.
Here are some popular car parks in Ostrava:
Parkování - Garáže Ostrava A.s.
Černá louka 1167, 728 26 Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava, Tsjechië