Parking in Brno
There are many on-street parking spaces available in Brno, which are indicated by blue or orange lines. Blue lines indicate paid parking areas, while orange lines indicate free parking zones. You can pay for parking using a parking meter or mobile app.
Parking Rates Brno
The hourly rate for on-street parking in Brno ranges from CZK 20 to CZK 40 per hour, depending on the zone and time of day. The red zone in the city center is the most expensive
Park and Ride Brno
Brno has Park and Ride options, which allows you to park your car outside the city center and take public transportation into the city. This is a convenient option if you don't want to deal with city traffic or parking.Car parks in Brno
JD Parking Brno
Large popular parking near Janacek´s theatreAdress: Parkovací dům Rooseveltova - JD Parking