Car parks in Nijmegen
P1 - Mariënburg - Marienburg 88 - 6511 PS NijmegenP2 - Eiermarkt - Eiermarkt 20 - 6511 TP Nijmegen
P3 - Kelfkensbos - Voerweg 2 - 6511 RT Nijmegen
P4 - Keizer Karel - Van Schaeck Mathonsingel 22 - 6512 AR Nijmegen.

Here are some Dutch parking-related words:
Note that Dutch language can have some regional variations, so there may be slight differences in the usage of parking-related vocabulary depending on the region of the Dutch-speaking countries.
Here are some Norwegian parking-related words:
Note that Norwegian language can have some regional variations, so there may be slight differences in the usage of parking-related vocabulary depending on the region of Norway.
Here are some Portuguese words related to parking: