europe On-street parking in the city centre is hardly possible. Therefore we advise you to use car parks in this area of one of the cheap P+R's on the outskirt of the city. Free parking is available for travellers with the RMV trains. Some P+R's charge with parking rates of € 1.50-3.00/day.

P+R parkings Frankfurt

Free parking is available for trtavellers with the RMV trains. Some P+R's charge with parking rates of € 1.50-3.00/day.
P+R Nieder-Eschbach - Prager Strasse - 60437 Frankfurt
P+R Kalbach - Unterer Kalbacher Weg - 60437 Frankfurt
P+R Station Heddernheim - An der Dandermuehle - 60439 Frankfurt
P+R Preungesheim - Homburger Landstrasse - 60435 Frankfurt
P+R Station Kruppstrasse - Kruppstraße - 60388 Frankfurt
P+R Station Westbahnhof Bockenheim - 60487 Frankfurt
P+R Station Mühlberg - Strahlenberger weg - 60599 Frankfurt
P+R Stadion - Flughafenstrasse - 60528 Frankfurt
P+R Station Nied - Oeserstraße 1 - 65934 Frankfurt
P+R Station Höchst - Adolf-Haeuser-Strasse - 65929 Frankfurt
P+R Station Sindlingen - Sackgasse - Frankfurt
P+R Station Zeilsheim - Sindlinger Bahnstraße 4 - 65931 Frankfurt
P+R Praunheim - Heerstrasse - 60488 Frankfurt
